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Palermo Middle School

Home of the Bulldogs

A Message From Your Principal

Dear Bulldog Families,         
Welcome back, Bulldog Families! The 2024-2025 school year is off to a GREAT start! Our amazing teachers, paras, and staff are here to support each of our Bulldogs to meet their goals this year.
Our Bulldog Promise begins at middle school, but prepares our students to be successful beyond their time as a Bulldog, as it clearly states the expectations for success academically and holds them accountable for their  behavior. Be RESPONSIBLE, Have INTEGRITY, Be SAFE, Be COURTEOUS are the four core values that are the foundation of creating our SEL focus: a Culture of Kindness. Upholding the Bulldog Promise creates a safe learning environment for all of our students and staff.
Attendance matters! We LOVE to see our Bulldogs, because attendance directly impacts their relationships with students and teachers and their academics. This year, our grade levels will be participating in weekly and monthly challenges to see who brings the Attendance Trophy and other rewards back to their Advisory class! It is important that your child is at school daily and is on time! If your child is absent, please call the school or send a note with your child when he/she returns. Please remember, you have one (1) week to clear the absence. 
Your child needs YOU! Middle school is a time when family support is essential to guide them with encouragement academically and support them during these years of social and emotional growth; they  will be most successful if you are involved in this journey! I invite you to attend monthly parent nights, parent conferences, awards assemblies, Site Council, Open House and other special activities throughout the year. Your involvement in your child's education is the key to their success!
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Mrs. Solano